Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday's WIP's - In the Home Stretch of NaNoWriMo 2011

It's the last week or so of NaNoWriMo 2011 and I am definitely feeling it! I hit 50k Sunday night, so by the basic standards of NaNoWriMo I'm already considered a winner! That is an incredible feeling! I was walking on sunshine for about 24 hours, and I'm still glowing just a little bit.

I have another goal though. I want to actually finish my book. That's part of the spirit of what's intended with NaNoWriMo after all. You are considered a winner at 50k, but the ultimate goal is to write an entire novel in one month. Sitting down to write Monday morning, after hitting 50k the night before, was both an exhilarating and terrifying moment.

I've had days this month where I doubted even hitting the golden mark, let alone finishing the book, so just thinking of 50k still fills me with endorphins! On the other hand, I sat and looked at where I was at, and realized that I have a lot of work ahead of me if I am I going to finish the book by 11/30 at midnight. I'm guessing that I need a total of 80k to wrap it up, which breaks down to 3k a day, with a holiday trip to Pheonix in the mix, and I had no idea on Monday how to get my characters to the end of the book!

My main problem this week (other than the holiday trip) is that I created a mystery in my fantasy novel, and I've given it all sorts of juicy details, but I myself don't know the answer to the mystery! Yes, that's probably a backwards way to write. Those of you who know me well will not be surprised. So Tuesday morning found me wandering around the house, talking out loud to myself, and then nearly killing myself in the shower when I figured out a piece of the puzzle and got over exuberant.

In exactly one week this entire roller coaster ride will be over. For better or for worse, I will type the words “The End,” even if I have to first write, “then this happens, and that happens, then this happens.” I’m hoping to be able to actually complete the story and not leave it at some short summary of what I want to happen, but I know that no matter where I’m at when I cross that finish line I am a winner! I have worked my hardest. I am sitting at 56K this morning, and that is 18,000 words longer than I’ve ever written before!

To each of my friends, to the other WriMo’s in this wonderfully crazy ride, don’t give up! We can do this, and no matter where you are when we cross that finish line, you are a winner! You’ve written thousands of words, you’ve learned more about yourself, and you’ve participated in something most people never have the guts to try.

So let’s run this home stretch with confidence! I’ll probably drink more coffee this week than is strictly necessary, but I’m in good company, and I know most of you are doing the same thing. May the Force be with you.

Happy Thanksgiving.



  1. It's a wonderful feeling when you hit 50K and even more so when you can actually validate the word count in a couple of days. I love to see the screen turn colors! I live for that! What a geek! I haven't finished all of my nano novels. I usually get to 50K or a little past that then validate for fear some horrible thing will befall my computer and I won't be able to validate on time. One of the ones I did finish (the first year I participated, actually)is finished and that one is about 86K. That was a great feeling to write that much in 30 days and the first time out.

    I'm sure you will get the story finished. You seem to be determined enough and very often, that's what it takes! Much luck!

  2. Congratulations on completing the 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo Ruthie! I attempted it last year but fell way short. I wish you much luck as you finish your novel by the 11/30 and hope it turns out to be the next best seller! Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your trip to Phoenix! Soak up some sunshine while you can! :)
